
Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

[Weekly Email] 🎃HALLOWEEN🎃 5 🕸Super Scary 🕸 Hacks to Transform Yourself from a Loser to a Winner 🧙🏼‍♂️

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

If you follow me on Instagram - you might know I have had Influenza since Sunday afternoon. Just the seasonal flu that hits about everybody this time of the year. After a horrible night, I actually feel better today than I had all week, and the fever is gone 💪🏻

I had a lot of fun creating today’s VIP Bonus and even more fun teasing for it in my Insta Story…

Halloween is just around the corner, and this year it put me in a weird mood. In Denmark, Halloween is a commercial holiday that gives the stores an excuse to sell more candy and decorations. There are no traditions or holiday spirits attached to it. As I recall it, there was no Halloween stuff anywhere until 2016-17…

Our Trick and Treat is the Shrovetide Sunday in February… but hey… any excuse to sell more chocolate and candy, right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

You and I both know that if I lived in the 1600s, I would be burned at the stake before I turned 16 - and the same goes for many other Lightworkers. We are very well aware of how dangerous it had been to have abilities, not to mention, practice them, back in the day.

We can’t change what happened, especially not that many years ago. But we can change how we choose to react to what happens today.

Including when it comes to witches and magic…

THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: Winners vs Losers: Which One Are You?

Winner or Loser… it all comes down to mindset and how YOU choose to deal with the situations you’re in.

With a quick Google Search, you can find countless examples, from all over the world, of people going from nothing to having everything they desire… and you can find examples of the opposite.

You are not always responsible for the things that happen in your life, and certainly not for global crises like the ones we have been in for the last couple of years.


You are 100% responsible for how you choose to deal with the current situation. Your choices determine if you win or lose!

VIP BONUS: 5 🕸Super Scary 🕸 Hacks to Transform Yourself from a Loser to a Winner 🧙🏼‍♂️

I really had a lot of fun making Today’s Content Upgrade. There is something powerful in wanting to become a winner, even when life throws shit at you.

I admire that!

I have even hidden a powerful exercise inside the PDF 🤫🤫

Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund

🔮 Spiritual Teacher ✨ Manifestation Expert 🧠 Mindset Life Coach ✍🏼 Writer

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