
Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund | Psychic Mindset Life Coach for Lightworkers

[Weekly Email] HEY [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]! Do you know a Toxic Person? Here are 3 Warning Signs đźš©đźš©đźš©

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

This week’s article and VIP Bonus are about something quite important… Unhealthy Relationships and Toxic People!

For some reason, Lightworkers are just magnets for Toxic People… and with Toxic People comes Unhealthy Relationships, whether it’s spouse, lovers, friendships, co-workers, acquaintances, or even in our businesses.

You need to be aware and not fall into the habit of making excuses for them or covering up their behaviour.

These people only care about themselves and have no compunction about using you for their own personal gain.

The only person to end it is you. As long you stay and secretly hope things will get better… which they never will… the longer you play a part in the Toxic Person’s game. They will mess with your self-esteem, your confidence, your reality sense, and your morals.

The longer you stay in any type of relationship with a Toxic Person, the more power and control they get over you. They will brainwash you and make you their puppet.

The good news is you have Free Will, and you can decide to leave today. Don’t overthink it. Just get the hell out of there! When you’re out, you can start the healing work and get your life back together.


THIS WEEK'S ARTICLE: 5 Really Bad Things That Happen When You Don't Leave an Unhealthy Relationship or a Toxic Person.

Lightworkers are like magnets for Toxic People and Unhealthy Relationships. I don’t think I haven’t met a Lightworker who didn’t have experiences with Toxic People or Unhealthy Relationships.

Unfortunately, these people tend to ruin our lives in so many ways and cause us unnecessary pain and suffering!

The most difficult part is, Toxic People and Unhealthy Relationships won’t stop hurting us until we leave them and commit to staying away for good!

I hope the 5 things in this Articles will help you to get the courage you need to leave the Toxic People and Unhealthy Relationships in your life, start your Recovery Process and Transit Your Life into Happiness, Joy, True Love, Abundance, and Excitement.

VIP BONUS: 3 Warning Signs You May Have a Toxic Relationship - And How To Change It.


Sabrina Seraphiel Bøglund | Psychic Mindset Life Coach for Lightworkers

🌟 Life-long Psychic, Spiritual Teacher & Mindset Life Coach. 💫 I help Lightworkers to transform their trauma into Joy & Enlightenment.

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